Fard Khajoor (Dates) – 500g


Green Harvest-Fard Khajoor (Dates)-Front view

Fard Khajoor (Dates) - 500g


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Green Harvest-Fard Khajoor (Dates)-Front view

Fard Khajoor (Dates) - 500g


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SKU: FAR133KHA Category: 1 Tag:1

Our Arabian Fard Dates (Khajoor) are the perfect blend of natural sweetness and softness, making them an indulgent treat for any occasion. These dates are rich in essential nutrients and antioxidants, making them a great addition to your daily diet. Our dates are carefully hand-picked and packaged to ensure maximum freshness and quality. Enjoy our Fard Dates as a snack, or use them in baking and cooking to add a touch of natural sweetness to your favorite recipes. Order now and experience the authentic taste of the Middle East




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Fard Khajoor (Dates) – 500g

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